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September 15, 2015

The FABulous Journey – Co-hosting Turning Heads Tuesday

The FABulous Journey is Co-Hosting This week, The FABulous Journey is co-hosting with Jessica from Elegantly Dressed and Stylish for Turning Heads Tuesday. I first became familiar with Jess through her weekly linkup, but I have enjoyed learning more about her and her fabulously feminine fashion sense. Like myself, Jess is […]
September 3, 2015

The FABulous Journey – Co-Hosting High Latitude Style

One of the most rewarding things about blogging is meeting interesting women from across the globe. Last week you met my fashion blogger friend Allison from Australia. Now, we are shooting all the way up to Alaska to join another fabulous fashionista! This week, I am excited to be co-hosting […]
September 2, 2015

The Great Blog Train: Spotlight On Manila, Philippines

I am excited to be co-hosting this month’s Great Blog Train, a special travel-themed monthly linkup. This month, the Great Blog Train is stopping in my adopted city: Manila, Philippines! Scroll down to see my spotlight feature on Manila, along with the Blog Train link-up and a giveaway!
July 16, 2015

Dillard’s Outlet – Fun Summer Finds #5

Here we are for the fifth week of fun summer finds! One of my favorite finds is the Dillard’s Outlet Store in Tampa. It is a bargain hunter’s paradise. I look forward to my shopping adventure each summer. The Dillard’s Outlet Store is located at University Mall,  2200 E. Fowler […]
July 2, 2015

Donut Hole, South Walton – Fun Summer Finds Linkup #3

This week I wrote about an awesome trip to Seaside located in South Walton County, Florida. I gave you a picture tour through that magical destination, but I couldn’t let the week go by without highlighting my other fun summer find for the South Walton area. I get excited just […]