Loving Hands – Oh My Heartsie Girl Wordless Wednesday
July 22, 2015
Mind Over Money For Lasting Weight Loss
July 25, 2015As much as I love to shop, nothing compares to the precious moments I have shared with my family this summer.
This last year was a transition time for us all as my son left home to attend college. This mama really struggled with watching her first chick fly from the nest. I shared in an earlier post just how special it was to finally see him come through those doors at the airport a few weeks ago. It had been a long six months, but he has grown more assured and confident over this year and I am confident that all is just as it should be.
Fast forward one month and my mother-in-law had her moment welcoming her baby boy home from Asia. It’s funny…no matter how big they get, they are always babies in their mamas’ eyes.
This is the sixth and final week of Fun Summer Finds. I have had a blast sharing my finds with you and seeing all the great things you have been doing this summer.
Now, it’s your turn, what have you been up to? I am looking forward to seeing your #funsummerfinds!! Please remember to grab the button or include a link in your post, so others can find the linkup!
Follow my blog by clicking the little red follow button at the bottom of the screen or Follow my blog with Bloglovin!

Kath of 60 Is The New 40 showed us how to make a DIY moisturizer for our Summer skin .
Alexis of Chemistry Cachet shared a yummy, light summer yogurt recipe.
Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Frozen Yogurt
Pam of Over 50 Feeling 40 shared an enthusiastic story of hope topped off with a cute outfit.
Career Reinvention: Next Step Hope and A Fun Outfit
Please make sure to link back on your post and/or Grab the button!

<div align="center"><a href="http://thefabjourney.com" title="The FABulous Journey"><img src="https://www.thefabjourney.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Fun-Summer-Finds-Banner.png" alt="The FABulous Journey" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
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• This Linkup is for fun! PLEASE visit at least two other links and share the ♥ by leaving a comment.
• Please link to your post and not to your blog home page.
• Please remember to post no more than 3 links.
• This is a family friendly party. Please NO ADULT content blogs.
• You may share a promotion you have found as long as it is part of your post, but please DO NOT include any links to promotional sites (they will be removed)
I feel your sadness about your son going off to college, I have had two go and have two more to go. It is a very strange time for a mom. Our job as a mom is to make our kids independent of us and that my dear, sounds like you have done your job well. It’s bittersweet.
Thank you for the fun summer link up!
It is such a conflicting feeling…you want to see them go and thrive, but you also want to keep them close.
I’ve really enjoyed linking up with you these past weeks! I’m sad it is over, but I am excited to be linking up with you one last time! Thank you for featuring my frozen yogurt too 🙂 Have a great day!
I have appreciated you joining each week and seeing your fabulous posts!
I read recently a letter/post that Rob Lowe wrote about having his son leave for college and how much it affected him. It’s a beautiful read if you find it. This post reminded me of it.
Would love for you to stop by & join TBT Fashion link up
Yes Terri, I read it and felt every word! Thanks for stopping by.