I’m honored that you’re here!
You are busy living your life and walking out your own personal journey.
I get you girlfriend. I am right there with you...
just trying my best to navigate the twists and turns of my own life.
Here’s a big hug!
I’m Shellie. I’m on the right side of 50, a mother of two grown kids and a long-time wife to a wonderful husband. We were both raised in the South, but he led me across oceans to Asia where we’ve lived for almost half of my life.
Oh, and I am a confessed chocolate addict (in fact, I like to have a piece of it every day)!
My journey has indeed been a fabulous one…full of twists and eventful turns.
I graduated with a teaching degree and hardly ever taught.I married a man with a calling to far-off lands & made a life among rice fields and skyscrapers.
I raised two awesome kids. I loved them well and cried when they left home.
Although they are a world away, they are always home in mama’s heart.
Thankfully, my man is here to stay and I hug him often.