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November 11, 2016

Celebrate With Me! – Book Promo

Monday, November 14, will mark two years of success on my weight journey! In retrospect, I realize that day is also significant for this blog, because without it I would never have started The FABulous Journey. Originally, I started blogging to share incites about my weight journey, but I soon […]
September 15, 2016

First Radio Interview – Favorite Things

Last week, my voice went out across the air waves in my first radio interview! I grew up listening to the radio. In fact, next to air-conditioning, the radio is the most important accessory in my car followed closely by well-placed cup holders. I’m crazy about it! I often contemplate […]
February 20, 2016

5 Midlife Fitness Mistakes You May Be Making

You know that fitness and exercise are important elements of healthy living, but make sure you are not making these midlife fitness mistakes. I developed a regular fitness habit when my daughter turned one. So, for the past 17 years, I’ve kept a pretty steady schedule at the gym. When I’m […]
February 6, 2016

Midlife Perspective On Weight, Fitness and Priorities

Today, I’m talking about midlife perspective on weight. If you know anything about me, then you know I am passionate about fitness at midlife. I do believe that freedom from the “weight” of excess weight is possible and I encourage people to rethink their relationships with food. I have written […]
January 9, 2016

How to Set Workable and Achievable Fitness Goals

Here we are, poised at the starting line of a brand spanking-new year and with it comes a host of new possibilities. I am doing something new by having my first guest blogger on The FABulous Journey. I would like to introduce you to Shelly Stinson. Like me, this Shelly […]