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May 13, 2020

Cruise My Closet | Find New Outfit Combinations

I am focusing on one of my favorite aspects of “normal,” everyday life…fashion. Honestly, this post reflects more hope than practice as I am sitting here in a t-shirt and shorts without one event on my immediate schedule. Still, I realize this is the perfect opportunity to shop my own […]
April 23, 2020

Where’s My Norman Rockwell? | When Life Is Less Than Ideal

I must admit, my present-day picture seems less than ideal, and, right now, my real life does not resemble a Norman Rockwell painting. Frankly, it’s easy to regard my current situation as one that must be endured, rather than lived. I’ve heard Covid-19 described as this generation’s defining moment and […]
April 16, 2020

Stress Eating | I Eat Because I Am Stressed

We are now half-way through our series on the Top 4 Excuses For Being Overweight. So far, we’ve tackled two of the biggies. Let’s look back to see what we have learned so far. I Eat Because I’m Bored – The reason why people who have weight problems gravitate immediately to […]
March 31, 2020

When Boredom Strikes | 8 Things To Do Instead Of Eating

Eating really is fun, isn’t it? It is probably the most agreed upon expression of culture and community around the world. No matter where you go or what you celebrate, food is almost always the center peg around which everything else revolves. It’s not surprising that we immediately gravitate to […]
March 24, 2020

Feeling Covid 19 Quarantine Culture Shock? | A Few Expat Tips

So, are you feeling a little Covid 19 Quarantine Culture Shock? It’s been long enough that the novelty is long gone, yet the end is still unclear. Girlfriend, I’m hear to say, “I feel ya!” Some of you may or may not know that I have served as a global […]