Holiday Eating Survival Guide – Controlling Weight Over Holidays
December 3, 2019
We Have Seen A Great Light! | Christmas 2019
December 23, 2019All of us have those favorite wardrobe pieces that we go back to time and time again. Apart from jeans, I love my olive pants! Not only are they extremely comfortable, but they add a little extra visual interest to a casual outfit.
It’s really tempting to get into the rut of becoming too matchy-matchy! There really is more to life and fashion than jeans and black pants. When it comes to olive pants, think of them as a neutral. You can pair them successfully with a lot of different colors.
For instance, take this outfit. The denim jacket and red shoes are an easy enough match; however, it’s the gray and black striped top that really makes the outfit.
If you are new to color mixing, then you can start with solids. Olive pants look great with black, white, red or coral. You can’t go wrong pairing them with any of these colors.
As much as I love fashion, I also realize that clothes can never make the woman. I would like to share an encouraging word I discovered in my morning devotions.
15 “But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?”
16 Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”
17 Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven. 18 And I tell you that you are Peter,[b] and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades[c] will not overcome it.
Peter didn’t suddenly “become” the solid rock and witness of the early church when he uttered those words to Jesus that day. No, he had been that person all along. Instead, he just finally got to the place where he could see Jesus for who He truly was. Once Peter recognized Jesus as the Son of the living God, then he could begin seeing himself for who he was created to be.
So, who were you created to be? Are your eyes open to see the possibilities God has invested into you from the very start? I hope so.
You are a child of the living God!
~ Shellie
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Hi Shellie!
I have a pair of olive cargo pants that I love wearing, your look great! They are similar. The pop of red with the shoes and the stripes look stylish with them and I love a rounded hem on a top like that. It looks like it was a nice sunny day when you took these pics!
Merry Christmas!
thanks for linking!
Thanks Jess! Merry Christmas to you.
I love the red shoes with it. This is my favorite combo: stripes, denim and olive.