smiling about elephants video
Smiling About Elephants – Favorite Things
August 18, 2016
figure flattering Peplum Top
Figure Flattering Peplum Top And Getting Back Into The Groove
August 30, 2016
smiling about elephants video
Smiling About Elephants – Favorite Things
August 18, 2016
figure flattering Peplum Top
Figure Flattering Peplum Top And Getting Back Into The Groove
August 30, 2016
Unexpected Getaway with just my husband and I after sending our daughter to collegeUnexpected Getaway with just my husband and I after sending our daughter to collegeUnexpected Getaway with just my husband and I after sending our daughter to collegeUnexpected Getaway

After a crazy, event-filled summer the inevitable time had arrived to actually say goodbye to our youngest child as she starts her college adventure. I have to say I felt gutted as I drove away from her dorm; glancing to see a last glimpse of the building disappear around the corner.

Just like that she was gone and I was left sitting in the car anticipating an 8-hour drive back to Tampa. And I was not alone in my grief; my husband sat by my side sorting through his own emotions. We talked about it for a bit and then melted into silence to make sense of our own thoughts.

Unexpected Getaway

Then, about an hour down the road, he pulled off the interstate and let me know he had planned an unexpected getaway in Panama City. He knew we would need a little “pick me up” about then, not to mention we had missed out on celebrating our 27th anniversary due to the college move.

Unexpected Getaway

Unexpected Getaway

Our unexpected getaway took us back to our honeymoon spot. We enjoyed two days revisiting a special place for us both…remembering that it all started with just the two of us. We went back to the same place we stayed 27 years ago and it’s still a great place for a summer vacation. If you are ever headed to Panama City Beach, Florida and want a family-friendly place to stay, check out the Palmetto Motel .

Featured Faves From Last Week

A lot of us are just starting to get back into the groove after the more leisurely pace of summer. Each of these posts has a little something to help you transition into Fall, whether it be fitness or fashion.

The Bikini Experiment – Sore Muscles: Should I Work Out?

Sore Muscles

Classy Yet Trendy – Fall Transition

Fall Transition

The Cheerful Closet – Remix: For The Teachers

Remix For Teachers

May all your days be bright! It’s time to enjoy the Thursday Favorite Things Linkup!

Living It, Shellie




All of the Faves are pinned to my Featured Faves Pinterest Board!

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Thursday Favorite Things Host

Thursday Favorite Things Host

Thursday Favorite Things Host

Thursday Favorite Things Host

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  1. Leanne says:

    Thank you for featuring me!


  2. Such a sweet surprise from your husband!