Stick With Your Strengths and Smile – Wordless Wednesday
October 7, 2015
Mod Print Dress And Featured Looks Of My Refined Style
October 12, 2015This has been a week of check lists. Nothing earth shattering or provoking has flown from the keyboard, but I have had some satisfying moments of pen scratching as I marked the last items off and crumpled yet another post-it note into the trash.
I realized today that I am supposed to have something to say by tomorrow morning as that is my normal posting schedule, but alas my mind is feeling a little cob-webbed; likely the result of the cold I picked up somewhere along the way…mind you, getting a cold was not on any of my to-do lists.
Taking A Break
I guess this week I’m taking a break from the profound. Not that everything I write is earth shaking, but I typically try to pull out at least one nugget that you can take away from my writing.
No, this week I may not have created any new insights for my readers, but I did accomplish some important tasks and I guess that’s what real living is all about.
We have our plans and then we have the reality. At times we find ourselves fortunate to have everything line up exactly how we want it. But then, more often than not, we end up batting around a number of unexpected tasks or the inevitable call of those necessary, yet mundane responsibilities becomes too great for us to ignore.
Don’t Neglect The Essential Stuff
Have you ever found yourself working so hard to accomplish something fantastic on the horizon that you ended up ignoring some very important stuff along the way? It can be so enticing to neglect the essential stuff because we have bigger, grander things to accomplish with our lives.
You hear it said so many times that you can do anything you set your mind to or reach for your dreams. I so agree that plans and dreams are important and extremely motivational, but I also believe in keeping both feet on the ground. This usual means paying attention to that essential stuff that really isn’t that fun, and sure isn’t inspiring.
But, I also think it’s possible to find a little bit of wonderful in paying attention to the small things. After all, it’s often the small things that trip up the biggest plans.
I set up a new email and subscription service for my blog yesterday, which I think will finally be the right one after some frustrating trial and error. In the process I realized that I now have well over 100 subscribers to my blog. I can remember the day when I was excited about ten. This may not be particularly profound to anyone else, but personally, it was quite an “aha” moment!
But then again, accomplishing several tasks mixed with a feeling of sincere gratitude to those of you who actually signed up to follow along my blogging journey is pretty satisfying, if not profound.
So, I leave you with a thank you and I smile as I’m off to take a nap!
Fabulous Fall Giveaway
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Hi Shellie. I so agree with you, especially about the small things tripping up our plans. Exciting that you have so many subscribers! #OMHGWW
Yes Donna, it has been baby steps, but I am starting to see a little momentum growing. I guess all big things are made up of a combination of small stuff!
I need a break too..a big one..But now we have the busiest weeks of the year in term of work so I guess I better keep the spirit up. Can’t wit for the weekend 🙂
Hang on Indah, the weekend is just on the horizon!
I’ve been having weeks like that. Nothing too big has happened with me either. Just getting stuff done.
And in the end…you’re still further down the road than you were when you started, so it’s a win!Thanks for stopping by, Alissa!
Shellie, this is great because we can really set ourselves up for exhaustion. We blog for ourselves! Congrats on your 100 followers! Love seeing your posts on #TheLeisureLink!
Thanks Terri!
sometimes a nap is the best thing in the world – even better than blogging! I think we can take ourselves too seriously and having a little time out helps to balance that. Enjoy your snooze 🙂
Thanks Leanne. Yes, I was just in a rut last week and you just can’t manufacture inspiration!
Nicely said. Thanks for sharing. PS: Feel better soon! ~Paula R #TheLeisureLink
Love this post! I couldn’t agree more that we don’t have to write something profound in every.single.post. Thank you!
I’m glad you agree, Barb! Thanks for stopping by.