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February 20, 2016

5 Midlife Fitness Mistakes You May Be Making

You know that fitness and exercise are important elements of healthy living, but make sure you are not making these midlife fitness mistakes. I developed a regular fitness habit when my daughter turned one. So, for the past 17 years, I’ve kept a pretty steady schedule at the gym. When I’m […]
October 29, 2015

How About Some Midlife Fitness Inspiration

Midlife Fitness Inspiration I thought it was time for a little midlife fitness inspiration on the fitness road. Weight and body image are two significant considerations for women over 40. During a time rife with transition and change, these factors present physical reminders that life really is a series of […]
September 24, 2015

What Are The Fit People On The Front Row Really Thinking?

You finally muster up the courage to enter a group exercise class after eyeing it through the glass doors for the last several weeks. Even though you have attended the gym for a while you have consistently relegated your new-found resolve to the treadmills and exercise bikes. You’ve noticed the […]
August 20, 2015

Getting Back Into The Exercise Groove

The summer months can wreck havoc on your exercise schedule. Between the family cook-outs and the day trips, it’s easy to look back over a week only to realize that you didn’t exercise at all. Then, throw in a week or two away from home and you can easily end […]