adult coloring - Wonderful Wednesday
Adult Coloring Books – Wonderful Wednesday
March 8, 2016
weight loss mind hacks
Weight Loss Mind Hacks
March 12, 2016
adult coloring - Wonderful Wednesday
Adult Coloring Books – Wonderful Wednesday
March 8, 2016
weight loss mind hacks
Weight Loss Mind Hacks
March 12, 2016

Colorful chucks are one of my favorite things.

Colorful Chucks - Favorite Things

I’m really not much of a tennis shoe girl. Of course, I always have multiple pair to wear to the gym, but you typically wouldn’t see me walking around in a pair. However, I make one exception when it comes to tennis shoes…I do love to wear colorful chucks!

These Converse tennis shoes are named after the basketball player and tennis shoe spokesman, Chuck Taylor. He started representing the company in the 1920’s and by the 1960’s the majority of professional basketball players wore Chuck Taylor Converse.

Now, Chucks have become the fashion go-to for many mainstream peeps.  I have to admit there are more comfortable tennis shoes out there, but they just aren’t as cute as the chucks!

colorful chucks - favorite things

Last week, I shared my favorite picks from the Spring/Summer 2016 trending colors. One of those was a sunny yellow called Buttercup. Check out my cutie patootie Buttercup chucks! These other colorful chucks are currently on sale on the Converse website.

colorful chucks - favorite things

Blue Chucks|Fuschia Chucks|Orange Chucks

Featured Favs From Last Week

All of this week’s featured favs are written to share little tips and tricks to make our lives a little brighter. I hope you’ll enjoy them as much as I did!

Rochelle – Five Marigolds – Tips For Photographing Beauty In Ordinary Days

tips for photographing beauty in ordinary days - Five Marigolds

Kari Anne – Thistlewood Farms – 5 Tips To Get The Farmhouse Look

5 tips for getting the farmhouse look - Thistlewood Farm

Chanelle – The Kim Chronicles – Tricks For Concealing A Muffin Top

tips for concealing a muffin top - Kim Chronicles

Morgan – Morgan Manages Mommyhood – Teach Yourself Hand Lettering

Teach Yourself Hand Lettering - Morgan Manages Mommyhood

Have a blast with this week’s Thursday Favorite Things! Catch all my posts by subscribing with your email in the right side bar or Follow with Bloglovin’!

Loving It, Shellie





It’s time to share your blog at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop!

thursday favorite things blog hop image 2016

Please follow your wonderful hostesses.

feb 2016 best hop hostess

Katherine – Katherines Corner

Nina – Vintage Mama’s Cottage

Debi – Surroundings by Debi

Betty – My Cozy Corner

Rosmary – An Italian In My Kitchen

Rina – I Thee Cook

Pam – Over 50 Feeling 40

Olivia – Reinvented Collection

 Shellie – The Fabulous Journey

Marilyn – Marilyns Treats

Angelina – Peonies and Orange Blossoms

Jennifer – A Well Styled Life

hop rules header 2016

It all begins with a SIMPLE ACT OF KINDNESS…please visit at least two of the blogs ahead of you on the blog list. It will result in a much more satisfying hop experience.

PLEASE link to your blog post and not to your home page. You can link up to 3 posts.

YES, you can link your giveaways! Please add them to the giveaway page at Katherine’s Corner too.

NO links to your shop/services or other blog hops please. You can add your hop to Katherine’s Blog Hop page.

OPTIONAL link back or blog social share is appreciated.

Adding your link to this blog hop gives Katherine and her hostesses’ permission to share your posts and pictures via social media, on pinterest and as features on their blogs.

Happy Hopping!


  1. surbhi says:

    I want to have them in every colour possible. The yellow is great.
    New Post on my blog, do drop by soon ,<3

  2. nancy says:

    I love all those colors. Perhaps I should by a pair colored ones . I own them in white.

    • Shellie Bowdoin says:

      I am going to be looking for a white or khaki pair too…we can just switch places 😉

  3. Thank you so much for featuring my photography project! <3

  4. Have a lovely weekend ahead!
