Image - When Your Week's Routine Derails Your Exercise Routine
When Your Week’s Routine Derails Your Exercise Routine
September 4, 2015
Navy Top and While Illusion over 40
Fall 2015 Color Trends and Links Γ  la Mode
September 7, 2015
Image - When Your Week's Routine Derails Your Exercise Routine
When Your Week’s Routine Derails Your Exercise Routine
September 4, 2015
Navy Top and While Illusion over 40
Fall 2015 Color Trends and Links Γ  la Mode
September 7, 2015

The FABulous Journey is 6 months old! It’s been quite a ride since I launched out on this blogging adventure. I have learned many things I never knew existed before I jumped in with both feet. I can definitely say that I have stretched, grown and pushed myself throughout the process.

The FABulous Journey is 6 Months Old!

Thankfully, I can actually say that I have reached a point where I can actually breath a little easier. As with anything, the more you do something, the more you learn your way around and gain your footing.

Every time I found myself up against a new unknown I would head straight to my friend, Google. Google would then guide me to the door of a new blogger friend’s article or tutorial that would explain everything I needed to know.Β So many people have provided advice and encouragement along the way and many of them have never even met me.

Still I say thanks and I hope that I can return the favor to others as I journey on.

Learning It, Shellie


  1. Tracy Milam says:

    You give me great hope…your site is beautifully done. Great job!

    • says:

      Aww, thanks Tracy. Blogging and’s all a steep learning curve!

  2. Congratulations on 6 months! Isn’t blogging great?

    • says:

      Thanks Debbie, blogging has been a challenging yet rewarding enterprise for sure!

  3. Terri says:

    Congrats on your 6 month anniversary.