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February 13, 2020
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February 27, 2020I want to say a big “thank you” to all who follow The FABulous Journey…you gals are the best! It’s been six weeks since I launched Find Your Weigh and the companion Bible Study guide. I thought this would be a good time to give everyone an update on how things are going so far.
Let’s face it! We all like benchmarks…we want to get an idea of where we stand. I did a little research and came up with these numbers from the Non-Fiction Authors Association. Although I’m not particularly interested in the sales numbers at this early stage, I am keenly aware of God’s blessing.
“There are all kinds of statistics bouncing around out there, but generally speaking, most self-published authors will likely sell around 250 books or less. A few years ago, the industry was buzzing when statistics revealed that the average self-published author earns less than $500 from her books.”
In six weeks, I have sold just short of 500 copies in the various formats!
I want to send out big hugs to all of you who’ve bought copies of my book and shared my posts! Right now, my primary goal is to get the word out. Ultimately, I wrote Find Your Weigh and the companion Bible Study to help others find hope and freedom from the seemingly endless battle over food and weight. And, I do believe that God wants to walk with us and lend his strength to those, like me, who struggle in this area.
I Can Still Use Your Help!
You’ve already brought the book a long way and I am immensely grateful, but I can still use your help. Ultimately, the best platform for any book is word of mouth. So, I am boldly asking my friends and readers to help spread the word in the following ways:
- Leave a review – We all rely on reviews. In fact, I don’t buy anything online before checking out the customer reviews. Can you take just a few minutes to do a search of the book at your preferred retailer and leave a review? Here’s the Amazon link in case you purchased your copy from there: Amazon
- Tell others about the Find Your Weigh: Walk In Freedom Bible Study – The 9-session group Bible Study really delivers the most transformative experience for those who desire to change their relationship with food. There’s such value in traveling this journey with others who are also looking to find the same freedom.
- Order the Audiobook – Yes, the audiobook version of Find Your Weigh is out! You can actually listen to yours truly read to you as you travel down the road or clean the house. Here are a few places to find it: Apple | Nook | Scribd . You might be asking, “What about purchasing the audiobook through Audible on Amazon?” Hmm, good question…I’m still waiting and waiting and waiting 😉
- Download or subscribe to the YouVersion Devotional, Find Freedom From the Draw of Food: Renew Your Mind for Lasting Change, based on the Find Your Weigh Bible Study – Over 5,000 people have subscribed to this devotional so far. It’s free and it gives a taste of the themes of the Bible study.
There you have it…my author’s wish list!
On the Philippines front, I’m excited to report that Find Your Weigh is going to be rolled out as the focus of a nation-wide initiative of the Assemblies of God Women’s Ministries in 2020. The Filipino version has additional video content in Tagalog and the interactive elements of the Bible Study have been translated into three local dialects.
It’s amazing what God can do with an experience and an idea. What about you…has God placed a spark in your heart? He can use your experiences, good and bad…the joys and the pain, to speak hope to someone who is in desperate need of it.
~ Shellie
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