5 Eating Habits That Yield Lasting Weight Results
September 24, 2019
small acts of love fill the love bank
Small Acts Of Love Build Strong Relationships
October 8, 2019
5 Eating Habits That Yield Lasting Weight Results
September 24, 2019
small acts of love fill the love bank
Small Acts Of Love Build Strong Relationships
October 8, 2019

Growing up, I always paid attention to my hair and makeup. I’m a southern girl and that’s just what we do. So, I never really thought much about my natural inclination to consider my personal appearance.

Obviously, I love to talk about all things fashion and beauty. In fact, I’ve written quite a bit on both subjects. So, I guess it makes sense to take a little time to consider the question, “should Christians care about their personal appearance?”

I’ve had this conversation more than once in my life and it usually goes something like this, “Shellie, I’ve never really thought much about my clothes or my makeup. But, I am getting to the point in my life that I think I would like to put a little more effort into my personal appearance.”

For these women, this personal realization was more than a passing comment, but rather a sincere, heartfelt desire. One that I can only assume they had pondered for a while before broaching the subject with me.

These were women who had hearts for God, but they had never before seen the need to put much thought into their personal appearance. Still, something had shifted in their perspective as they began to explore the possibility of caring about something they had never given much thought to before.

We can’t ignore the human tendency to evaluate things and others by their appearance. God even spoke to this tendency when he told Samuel, “The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7

It’s obvious that God prefers to get right to the heart of the matter without getting mixed up with our surface appearance. And yes, we as Christians should strive to be more like Him as Paul instructs in Ephesians 5:1, “Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children.”

Still, the question for those seeking a godly perspective on appearance may not be whether or not a godly woman cares about her personal appearance, but why she cares about it?

Ah, the why question…

Should Christians Care About Personal Appearance?

We are called to follow after God’s example; to seek guidance from scripture and inevitably we are changed in the process.

18Β And we all, with unveiled face,Β beholdingΒ the glory of the Lord,[a]Β are being transformed into the same imageΒ from one degree of glory to another.[b] For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.

2 Cor. 3:18 ESV

And, just maybe, as we mature in God and pass through different life seasons, we may actually desire to enhance the outside to better reflect what God is doing internally.

At this point, I consider other facets of my life; home decor, writing, speaking or graphic design. Have I ever felt pressured, whether internally or externally, to just let these areas go without tweaking or polishing them? Absolutely not, in fact, I strive for excellence.

I recognize and value the gifts God has placed in my life and I seek to reflect His glory in everything I do.

For instance, I wrote this article over the course of several days. I started with a few ideas and then slowly added others until my thoughts were adequately conveyed.

At that point, the article pretty much said what I wanted it to say, but it was far from finished.

I then proceeded to the most essential aspect of the whole writing process…editing. While the initial draft reflected my thoughts well enough, it needed to be polished and refined before I would allow anyone else to read it.

No one would argue the need for editing to produce a presentable piece of writing. However, some do wrestle with the idea of “wasting their time” on personal appearance when it could be better spent on spiritual pursuits. After all, the word is clear that we should “not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of [our] mind[s], that by testing [we] may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” Romans 12:2

I like this writer’s take on the issue,

We should not reject caring about our physical appearance just because the world cares, but we should be changed inside so we can tell what the will of God is.


As Christians, we are called to live and move in a world that holds an entirely different set of values and standards. And yes, physical beauty often rests at the top of their priority list. Still, that in itself doesn’t disqualify us from seeking to portray an attractive outer appearance, as long as, our hearts remain rooted in kingdom plans and purposes.

Should Christians Care About Personal Appearance?

Ultimately, we tweak the outside because it reflects and illuminates what we have going on within.

I like the phrase, “you never have a second chance to make a first impression.” Maybe their first impression or attraction is my outfit, lipstick or hairstyle, and that’s OK. Why?…because ultimately I serve a God who works through relationships. I trust Him to use every means and every relationship to reveal His glory in and through my life, even if His chosen means is Loreal lipstick #590 in Blushing Berry.

~ Shellie

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  1. I appreciate your sharing this post, Shellie. It is a topic that I have thought about often in my own blogging without coming to a conclusion that I really felt comfortable with. I have thought many times about stopping fashion posts because I worry that it focuses too much on outward appearance or urges people to “buy” things. Your words are comforting and you are right that we serve a God who can work in and through us in relationships no matter how we look on the outside. I appreciate your thoughts on this subject.

  2. Judy Bain says:

    Well said Shellie. I like that you used the word excellence instead of perfection especially in speaking of our appearance. Let your light so shine to me means like what you said what shows on the outside should be a reflection of what’s inside. Love your blogs Shellie. Please keep them coming. God bless you.