What's so good about Good Friday?
What’s so good about Good Friday?
April 19, 2019
Denim and Black Leggings
May 13, 2019
What's so good about Good Friday?
What’s so good about Good Friday?
April 19, 2019
Denim and Black Leggings
May 13, 2019

Some of you may know that I like to share the love over at my blogger friend’s site, Katherine’s Corner. Every month I stop by her site to talk about one of my favorite subjects, Fashion!!

Last month, I shared some of my best tips for wearing denim jackets. Here’s a little snippet…

Today, I want to talk about the denim jacket. I believe that the denim jacket is so functional that there should be one in every girl’s closet. Why…because it’s flattering and it pulls an outfit together in a snap. You can easily dress a denim jacket up or down and it adds structure and shape to any look.

You can head over to Katherine’s blog to check out my whole post: Fabulous Fashion Friday Tips With Shellie

I would definitely say that the denim jacket is one of my staple pieces. It comes especially in handy when I want to add some casual ease to a dressier outfit. I like the sharp contrast between dressy fabrics and casual denim.

What’s your favorite denim jacket outfit? Share some pics in the comments.

Unexpected News

Today, I also received some shocking, unexpected news and my head is spinning a bit. One minute you are sitting there pecking on your computer and the next you are receiving news that could drastically affect someone you love.

I’m sure plenty of you can relate to feeling the whiplash of unexpected news.

It’s at these times when the ground underfoot seems a little shaky that I choose to anchor myself in God and His unchanging word.

When God made his promise to Abraham, he backed it to the hilt, putting his own reputation on the line. He said, β€œI promise that I’ll bless you with everything I haveβ€”bless and bless and bless!” Abraham stuck it out and got everything that had been promised to him. When people make promises, they guarantee them by appeal to some authority above them so that if there is any question that they’ll make good on the promise, the authority will back them up. When God wanted to guarantee his promises, he gave his word, a rock-solid guaranteeβ€”GodΒ can’t break his word. And because his word cannot change, the promise is likewise unchangeable.
When my mind says, “There is no hope,” God’s word promises that He can do more than I can ask or think. When my mind asks, “Why,” His word assures me that His ways are not like mine.
So now, as my mind swirls with questions and few answers, I choose to lay my questions at His feet and leave them there.
Are you struggling with your own unanswered questions? God has given us a rock-solid guarantee…He promises to be our peace and He “can’t break his word.”



Catch all my posts by subscribing with your email in the footer of the blog/home page or Follow with Bloglovin’! Check out the other fabulous fashion linkups I’m joining this week – My Linkups!


  1. Hope things are well and you are fine Shelly. Love your jean jacket with your outfit, so smart!
    thanks for linking
    jess xx

    • Shellie Bowdoin says:

      Hi Jess,

      I am well, but extremely busy these days. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Prayers for the “unexpected news”, Shellie. May you feel God’s peace. Love the jacket!