Wonderful Wednesday
Catching A Parade – Wonderful Wednesday
January 20, 2016
can we really trust a diet
Can We Trust Diets To Give Us Lasting Results?
January 23, 2016
Wonderful Wednesday
Catching A Parade – Wonderful Wednesday
January 20, 2016
can we really trust a diet
Can We Trust Diets To Give Us Lasting Results?
January 23, 2016

Hi all! I am thrilled to be a new co-host for the Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop with Katherine from Katherine’s Corner and the other gorgeous gals. I love the idea of taking a little time each week to think about my favorite things. The more we focus our attention on the beautiful blessings in life, the less time we have left to worry about those things that bring us down

If this is your first time to The FABulous Journey…thanks for stopping by! I write to encourage women to live fashionable, fit and fulfilling lives, so you will find all of those fabulous things weaved in from week to week.

Thursday Favorite Things

For my very first Thursday Favorite Things I’m sharing my 3 favorite blog posts from the past year.

Co-hosting Thursday Favorite Things

Fashion Post – Fabulous Black Fashion|Fitness Post – Focus Your Before And Transform Your After|

Fulfillment Post – When The First Chick Leaves The Nest

It’s time to share your blog at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop!

thursday favorite things blog hop

Please click on a smile to visit and Follow your wonderful hostesses. If the image isn’t working their blogs are listed below.

thursday favorite things blog hop hostesses

Katherine –Katherines Corner

Nina –Vintage Mama’s Cottage

Debi – Surroundings by Debi

Erika –What Erika Wears

Betty – My Cozy Corner

Rosmary –An Italian In My Kitchen

Rina –I Thee Cook

Pam –Over 50 Feeling 40

Olivia –Reinvented Collection

Shellie – The FABulous Journey

Marilyn –Marilyn’s Treats

Antonella –White House Crafts

thursday favorite things blog hop rules

Adding your link to this blog hop gives Katherine and her hostesses’ permission to share your posts and pictures via social media, on pinterest and as features on their blogs.

Happy Hopping!

An InLinkz Link-up


  1. Nina says:

    So glad you are part of the Favorite Things Blog Hop team! Looking forward to hanging out with you every week ;o) Nina @ Vintage Mama’s Cottage

  2. Cielo says:

    Hi Shellie… I have no idea how I ended up linking here, but I’m glad I did because that’s how I discovered you. Thank you for leaving a message on my blog for me to follow you here. Oh…. And you are gorgeous. Truly an inspiration.


  3. Hello fabulous! I love to stop by your amazing party. Thank you for hosting. Please stop by our party that goes until Friday @ 7 pm. We pin and tweet everything! Happy Tuesday! Lou Lou Girls

  4. Kathryn says:

    Welcome to the party! I’ll follow you on Facebook. I linked #40 tonight. Enjoy your evening!