OMHG Wordless Wednesdy #46
My Clown – OMHG Wordless Wednesday
September 23, 2015
What Are The Fit People On The Front Row Really Thinking?
What Are The Fit People On The Front Row Really Thinking?
September 24, 2015
OMHG Wordless Wednesdy #46
My Clown – OMHG Wordless Wednesday
September 23, 2015
What Are The Fit People On The Front Row Really Thinking?
What Are The Fit People On The Front Row Really Thinking?
September 24, 2015

Any of you who have visited my site before know that I enjoy fashion and I like my makeup. Wearing make-up is sort of the like the southern girl’s rite of passage. I started wearing it when I was 14 and applying it has been part of my life routine ever since.

But last week, I had a chance to put my makeup skills to work in a little different way…and, well my materials were just a little different as well.

face paint

But, I was technically still doing the same thing.

My Clown

This is my lovely daughter all made up as a clown for her last high school Spirit week as a senior. Come on, show me that smile!! This face right here is one of the crowning achievements of motherhood…my clown! She makes me smile.

How has your week been? I hope it has been filled with joy, gratitude and purpose. However, if it hasn’t really brought a smile to your face, you’ve still got enough days left in the week to turn things around!

Catch all my Β posts by subscribing with your email address in the sidebar or Follow with Bloglovin’!

Check out the fabulous Wordless Wednesday linkups I’m joining this week – My Linkups!

Loving It, Shellie



  1. Oh My Heart—how cute a clown she is made up.
    Thanks for Co-Hosting with me on Oh My Heartsie Girl this month!!

    Hope you have a wonderful week!

  2. stevebethere says:

    Brilliant made me smile heheh!

  3. You did a great job and your daughter is a cool clown!