Oh My Heartsie Girl Wordless Wednesday
Oh My Heartsie Girl Wordless Wednesday – Too Cute To Eat!
August 18, 2015
Getting Back Into The Exercise Groove
August 20, 2015
Oh My Heartsie Girl Wordless Wednesday
Oh My Heartsie Girl Wordless Wednesday – Too Cute To Eat!
August 18, 2015
Getting Back Into The Exercise Groove
August 20, 2015

A decorated cake that's too cute to eatI am amazed how far the whole decorative cake craze has progressed in recent years! Cakes really can be works of art, which makes it really difficult to cut into one.  Look at the cake my husband’s office had made for his birthday. This cake is too cute to eat!

This diver cake is too cute to eat!

It was so cute we hated to cut into it. The only problem is that fondant is a lot cuter than it tastes…. I guess you have to sacrifice for beauty.

Have a great Wordless Wednesday everyone!

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Check out the other fabulous Wordless Wednesday linkups I’m joining this week – My Linkups!

Loving It, Shellie


  1. I agree the designs nowadays are amazing and so real that you dont want to eat it & preserve it forever =)

  2. Wow! I’m impressed. I can barely make a cake, let alone one that cute! Thanks for stopping by NanaHood and linking up. Are you a member of Midlife Boulevard? If not, please ask me about it! Teresa

    • shelliebowdoin21@gmail.com says:

      It was something else! Send me an email to let me know about it…thefabjourney(at)gmail(dot)com

  3. Karen W says:

    Oh, that is just too adorable! Some people are just so talented. And I know what you mean, I wouldn’t want to be the first one to cut into that.

    Would love to have you stop by and share on my WW link up


    • shelliebowdoin21@gmail.com says:

      I just marveled at the time it must have taken to make all the little pieces and parts! Ok, I will stop by!

  4. stevebethere says:

    Wow! that looks fab and I agree it does look too good to eat …until yu have the first bite that is heheh!