Oh My Heartsie Girl Wordless Wednesday - Boom!
Oh My Heartsie Girl Wordless Wednesday – Boom!
July 8, 2015
Fun Summer Shoe Finds
Fun Summer Finds #4 – My Fun Summer Shoe Finds
July 9, 2015
Oh My Heartsie Girl Wordless Wednesday - Boom!
Oh My Heartsie Girl Wordless Wednesday – Boom!
July 8, 2015
Fun Summer Shoe Finds
Fun Summer Finds #4 – My Fun Summer Shoe Finds
July 9, 2015

July 4th is one of my favorite American holidays. I think I am most attracted to the sense of community that it inspires. It’s a holiday where people like to be together. I hope all of my American friends enjoyed celebrating our country’s independence.

I can remember back to our years in Laos. There we lived amongst a close-knit group of international expats. Each year we would host a big picnic where we would invite Americans and our “allies,” which meant all our other awesome friends from around the globe.

Boom!Boom!…yes it was a little loud, but how else would you end the day than with fireworks?! Enjoy Wordless Wednesday everyone.

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Check HERE to find the great Wordless Wednesdays I am linking with this week!
Shellie (3)


  1. Hi Shellie, Wow – Wednesdays Heartsie party was awesome! So many great posts, I especially enjoyed reading about your 4th of July. It poured rain here in Tampa, they eventually got fireworks off but it was very late so we decided to stay home. A first for us. We were surprised how much happens in our own neighborhood! We ended up seeing quite a show after all.

    Kindest Regards, with a smile from Tampa, Carlyn 🙂

    • shelliebowdoin21@gmail.com says:

      Thanks for stopping by, Carlyn! I am really enjoying my “Tampa time”!

  2. Looks like a lovely night of celebrations! Happy 4th of July =)

  3. Great article, Shellie. I love the 4th, too!