Oh My Heartsie Girl Wordless Wednesday - He's Home!
Oh My Heartsie Girl Wordless Wednesday – He’s Home!
July 1, 2015
Fun Summer Finds #3 - Donut Hole
Donut Hole, South Walton – Fun Summer Finds Linkup #3
July 2, 2015
Oh My Heartsie Girl Wordless Wednesday - He's Home!
Oh My Heartsie Girl Wordless Wednesday – He’s Home!
July 1, 2015
Fun Summer Finds #3 - Donut Hole
Donut Hole, South Walton – Fun Summer Finds Linkup #3
July 2, 2015

He’s Home!!! I had not seen my boy since Christmas. I asked my daughter to take the first picture of my airport reunion…because I didn’t want to miss my moment! After all, what is life but a collection of moments.

He's Home!

And then…everyone else got their turn 😉

The icing for the day was seeing my two kids back together again!  Mamas never get enough of this kind of stuff.

He's Home!

Here’s wishing everyone a fabulous Wordless Wednesday!

I am joining these fabulous Wordless Wednesday Linkups!

Living It, Shellie


  1. Christine says:

    So happy for you! My oldest comes home in a couple of weeks, and I can’t wait! Seeing you with your son is so uplifting, knowing my daughter will be back in my arms again soon!
    Thank you for sharing, Shellie!

    • shelliebowdoin21@gmail.com says:

      We can all relate to those feelings…it’s universal!

  2. I love homecomings and hate goodbyes. So glad yours was a homecoming! And I understand about the kids being together. I have a son in Vegas coming home next week and we all miss him terribly. Can’t wait to get all 5 of my kids (and 5 grandkids) together!

  3. Aww what a warm welcome =)

  4. stevebethere says:

    Aww! what a heart warming post & photos 🙂

    Have a reuniontastic week 🙂