Wordless Wednesday – Natural?
June 3, 2015
Italian Popover With Bruschetta Recipe
Italian Popover With Bruschetta Recipe
June 6, 2015
Wordless Wednesday – Natural?
June 3, 2015
Italian Popover With Bruschetta Recipe
Italian Popover With Bruschetta Recipe
June 6, 2015

Motivation Sappers For Exercise

I went to the gym today as part of my normal routine. I attend two consecutive classes three 3 times a week because

Motivation Sappers For Exercise - Pin

this works best for my schedule. I made it through the cardio class ok, but when it came time to prepare for the strength/flexibility class I just wasn’t feeling it. So….I packed up my stuff and drove home.

Hmm, that does not sound very inspiring now, does it? Well, I guess I should qualify this decision by saying I am usually a very motivated exerciser.  In fact, exercise has always come easier for me than controlling my food. But today, my body just was not feeling it, so I called it a day.

For me, a significant part of the weight journey has been learning to listen to my body and take cues from it.

With food, I am learning to become more attune to real signs of hunger, as well as, those times when my body needs more or less food. Likewise, with exercise I need to know when my body is telling me to slow down.

Actually, dealing with the exercise element can be a little harder. Primarily because some of us may never really “feel” like exercising. For this reason, I came up with a checklist for those days when the sun doesn’t appear to be shining on your exercise goals.

Motivation Sappers For Exercise

When you feel you are lacking the energy or motivation to carry through with your exercise goals. Ask yourself these questions?

  1. Have I struggled with similar motivation issues in the last 7 days?
  2. Have I been getting enough sleep?
  3. Have I been remembering to drink water?
  4. Have I been restricting my calories too much?
  5. Have I picked the wrong time of day to exercise?
  6. For a woman,  am I currently on menstruating?

I Don't Want To!If you regularly suffer from the same lack of motivation, then this is likely a “pick yourself up by your bootstraps” kind of moment. You need more gym time instead of less. For some of us, exercise falls more into the category of necessary tasks, like brushing your teeth and going to the bathroom. You may not have the time or inclination, but your body will suffer if you neglect it.

You Need Social Motivation

Join Some Type Of Group Exercise Activity To Increase Motivation

I find that I am much more motivated in a group, so I do most of my exercise in a group setting. A group setting increases motivation for several reasons.

  • You generally have to pay something for group classes or organized sports. If you don’t attend, then you are wasting your money.
  • This setting feeds the competitive element. While you may not be competing one-on-one, group classes motivate you to at least keep up with your peers for face saving.
  • On the same line, you will often push yourself more if you have a teacher and a specified class time.
  • If you have joined an organized sport, then you let your team mates down when you don’t attend.
  • Group classes add a social element that you don’t get when exercising alone.
  • Even adding one additional person (for walking or biking) makes the time go by faster.

If your problem is just lack of motivation, it’s time to find someone else to exercise with.

I’ll be talking about the next five motivation sappers over the coming weeks. Get out there and move that body!

Follow my blog by clicking the little red follow button at the bottom of the screen or Follow my blog with Bloglovin!

I have linked up with Fridays Blog Booster Party, Thursday Favorite Things , Lifestyle Linkup, Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop and the Lou Lou Girls.

Shellie (1)


  1. Great post. Pinned and tweeted. We appreciate you stopping by to party with us. We hope to see you, tonight at 7 pm. Happy Monday! Lou Lou Girls

  2. Debbie says:

    Thank you so much for bringing this awesome post to #tiptuesday, Shellie.

  3. I always listen to my body. I think that’s part intuitive and part learning. If I do too much before I’ve eaten at a regular time, I feel weak and shaky for hours after. But then, I’m 73 years.

    • shelliebowdoin21@gmail.com says:

      Yes, we have to know ourselves and know our bodies. Thanks for stopping by, Francene.

  4. Kathleen says:

    Shellie you have done it again. Top 2 most clicked on Fridays Blog Booster Party #9 Well done, your post is obviously meeting a need. I will be sharing it on social media and featuring it on Friday.
    Thanks, Kathleen

  5. Elena Peters says:

    I love your list of sappers. I never really thought about those points before but now I can see why on some days, or I have to admit some weeks, I totally lack the motivation to continue. I’m going to monitor those things so that I can be more successful and consistent. Thank you for linking up with #MidLifeLuv!

    • shelliebowdoin21@gmail.com says:

      Thanks Elena, we have to keep in touch with our bodies and what they are trying to tell us sometimes. Thanks for starting the linkup!

  6. so true…I need more and more motivation indeed…gotta join yoga class instead of doing it alone 🙂

  7. I am motivated but lacking time. Or maybe I’m in denial and this is just my excuse, lol. Thank you so much for sharing at Thursday Favorite Things!

  8. Debbie says:

    Awesome tips, Shellie. You should share them in our next Tip Tuesday. Knowing the right balance between when to push further and when to take an extra rest is very important.
    Have a lovely weekend!

    • shelliebowdoin21@gmail.com says:

      Thanks Debbie, feel free to send me an email reminder for next Tuesday.

  9. Kathleen says:

    Such a good subject to talk about Shellie, I need to work at motivation to move all the time. Like you say doing it with someone is a huge help, I would just like it to get easier . . . .
    Your right
    Thanks so much for the motivation boost,
    Fridays Blog Booster Party #9 that is a different boost for your blog exercise.

    • shelliebowdoin21@gmail.com says:

      I don’t think it’s really supposed to get easier because we exercise to tax our bodies, but we can definitely make it more fun!

  10. Sue says:

    I love this post! You do need to listen to your body and that doesn’t mean you are slackening off. Of course if you do that everyday that is another matter, but the occasional rest gives your body and mind time to recover. Thanks for sharing, I saw at the Fridays Blog Booster Link Up #9

    • shelliebowdoin21@gmail.com says:

      Thanks for commenting, Sue! I think this becomes increasingly important as we get older.