Mix it Up -Cute Summer Dress Worn Two Ways
Mix it Up With a Cute Summer Dress Worn Two Ways
May 30, 2015
Wordless Wednesday – Natural?
June 3, 2015
Mix it Up -Cute Summer Dress Worn Two Ways
Mix it Up With a Cute Summer Dress Worn Two Ways
May 30, 2015
Wordless Wednesday – Natural?
June 3, 2015

This week marks the beginning of summer vacation for our family. My daughter is breaking in a new book for pleasure, which she has not had the time for all year. Phew, I am glad to see her take a study break for a few months.

You never know what you might see when you get out and about with other people. My friend Connie snapped this shot. I told her it was one that must be shared.

I Don't Think That's Natural

Hmm, I don’t think that’s natural. What do you think?

Life is full of surprises, isn’t it?…but obviously, some are more colorful than others.

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Linked up with Glimmer of Hope and Image In Ing.

Shellie (1)


  1. That’s insane. It’s not even pretty…LOL

    Visiting from Wordless Wednesday 🙂

    Lisa @ Fun Money Mom

    • shelliebowdoin21@gmail.com says:

      True, the color combo could have been better…LOL!

  2. Evija says:

    Erm, I am lost for words…. quite fitting for the wordless wednesday link up! 😀

  3. Bouncin Barb says:

    I see more and more people pushing their pets around in strollers. It’s just odd looking to me and I don’t ever remember seeing this 5-10 years ago. I saw my old neighbor in Daytona pushing a stroller with the netting on it and thought it was a grandchild so I approached her to see the baby. Turns out it was her cat! That was just too weird to me.

    • shelliebowdoin21@gmail.com says:

      Different strokes for sure! Thanks for taking the time to comment.

  4. Gill says:

    Apart from what on earth goes on in someone’s head to have their dog coloured that way, it annoys me that they’re being pushed around in a stroller. These dogs have legs and I’m sure they’d much prefer to use them.