Excuses For Being Overweight – I Like The Taste Of Food
May 7, 2015
Wordless Wednesday- Life Is A Party!
May 13, 2015Everyone loves a good weight transformation story. But sometimes, you have to focus on your before before you can transform your after.
My Before
Six months ago I embarked on a journey that would alter my life forever. It was November and I was still feeling the sting of saying goodbye to my first child who left home for college. I was consumed with the void he left in my heart and our home. I was just not satisfied. Something had to change. One look at this picture to the left told me I could start with my weight, which has been an on-and-off struggle for my whole adult life.
This time I took a completely different approach. I decided to record my thoughts along the way through journaling. I wrote about my frustrations and small victories. I noted when I felt the hungriest and I paid special attention to the foods that were the most difficult to resist. Most importantly, I recorded my self-talk; the internal dialogue that bounced around in my head when I was faced with temptation.
The Transition
After two months on my weight journey I realized that I had something to share with others. A light had finally switched on in my head and I wanted to tell others about it. So, I decided to blog. Wow, was that a kick in the pants! For those of you who write blogs, you know that starting out takes a lot more than a username and password!
With a lot of grit, determination and google searches I was finally off and running. About the time I hit a comfortable stride with my Weight Journey blog. I began sensing a desire to talk about more than weight. That is how this blog was born.
Transform Your After
What started out as a sad, overweight mama set me on the path of new possibilities, friends and adventures in blogging. It’s hard to believe that I knew nothing about blogging 4 months ago.
But, my after is not really about weight loss or blogs. It’s about transformation and embracing new seasons. When I started out, I only saw my dissatisfaction and my desire for a change. That dissatisfaction was my catalyst! I needed it to shake me up and give me the “want to” to do something different.
What about you? Is there something you would like to see change in your life? We can’t predict what tomorrow holds, but I can promise you your tomorrow is fashioned by today’s choices.
We weren’t made to stay the same forever. We were made to live, learn and grow! You can focus your before and transform your after. Find something you’re passionate about and challenge yourself to learn something new. Determine what needs to change in your life and make a plan to change it. The transformation may not happen overnight, but then you do get what you pay for.
Who you are today is not what you were yesterday or who you’ll be tomorrow.No one will ever be more concerned about your after than you are.
Catch all my posts by subscribing with your email in the right side bar, Follow with Bloglovin’ or you can subscribe to just the weight journey posts feed.
I’m linking up with these FABulous Fashion Sites This Week!
Monday: Shoe and Tell, Bless Your Heart Tuesday: Turning Heads Tuesday Wednesday: Wednesday Pants Thursday: Throwback Thursday Friday: Fun Fashion Friday
WooHoo. This post was in the TOP 6 most clicked on Fridays Blog Booster Party#6 You will get special mention on Friday.
Remembering to leave from another page to help your statistics
Fridays Blog Booster Party#6
Thanks Kathleen, I’m on a roll! What do you mean about leaving from another page?
Shellie that was a worthwhile read thanks. You look amazing, so well done. I am thinking this weight control for some of us is a lifetime thing we have to watch. Your encouragement is most welcome.
Fridays Blog Booster Party
Kathleen, it is definitely a lifelong pursuit! That is why I encourage a weight loss mindset and establishing mindful eating habits that can be sustained for the long haul.
My sister, who has lost almost 200 pounds at this point, has taken some GREAT after shots. She’s looking fabulous! Great post… Blog Booster Party visitor
It’s fun to see where you came from. Good for her!
Congratulations on your progress. Hard work pays off. #FridayBlogBooster
Yes it does, Debbie! Thanks.
So inspiring and you look amazing! Thanks for sharing with Fun Fashion Friday!
Dawn Lucy
Thanks Dawn!
I would include the shoes in my post as well. They are adorable. I’m very proud of you for sharing your weight loss journey. It’s very inspiring and motivating.
It’s great to be co-hosting with you this week. Have a great weekend.
Yes, shoes are always a good addition!
Thanks for Co-Hosting the Oh My Heartsie Girl Wordless Wednesday! I look forward to seeing you again next week!
Jingle Jangle Jungle
Hi, I started my weight loss journey in December, officially kicking it off on my blog in January. Thanks for sharing your inspiration. 🙂 http://www.maryanderingcreatively.com/exercise-my-2nd-weight-loss-tool/
Good for you, Mary! Thanks for stopping by!
Congrats, you look great! I too have been on a similar journey with my weight. Good for you for all you have accomplished. Keep it up!
Thanks Sarah-Ann! Congratulations to you as well!
Congrats, you look fabulous! This is just the inspiration I needed too. My daughter left home almost two years ago, and I’ve been in mourning her leaving state as well. Instead of being sad she’s gone, I am trying to be happy for her to enjoy her new journey! You’ve reminded me that nothing stays the same forever, we need to grow and to continue learning! Thank you for sharing! It’s a pleasure co-hosting WW with you! Have a fantastic week! hugs, Christine
Thanks Christine. It’ a tough road all us mama’s walk, but each day brings new horizons. It’s fun to see them grow up!
Congratulations Shellie
Change can be important,and a healthy mindset and lifestyle is as well. Nice post!
Thanks for linking up with Turning Heads Tuesday!
jess xx
Yes, a lot of times it’s what we think that makes all the difference.
Hi Shellie! I’m your newest IG follower! So glad when I find bloggers close to my age! This is my first time visiting your blog and I just wanted to say, “Way to go! Good for you!”
Thanks Laura! I will check yours out as well. I appreciate you taking the time to say hi!
Just the pep talk I needed. I am at the beginning of the weight transformation. Congratulations to you.
Thanks Rhonda! Check out my posts on weight loss. I approached things a lot differently this time and it has made all the difference. Thanks for commenting!
Wow, you look amazing. Its fantastic what a little bit of will-power and motivation will do. I love reading stories like this as it makes me more determined to loose my baby weight.. (as i call it, even though my daughter is nearly 5) LOL.
Thanks for co-hosting xx
Thanks so much! I know exactly what you mean about the baby weight!
What fabulous red shoes Shellie! What is the brand? I love them. Congratulations on your new blog and your weight loss. You must feel great. I started my own style blog a little over a year ago and the learning curve was very steep, but I kept challenging myself everyday to learn more and I love it. Thank you for linking up with SHOE AND TELL on Style Nudge!
Style & Company…Macy’s I think, but I have had them for a while. Yes, everything has worked together to kick me into gear! I continue to learn and grow.
Your last paragraph is powerful. What we do today does shape tomorrow, thank you for the reminder.
Shellie, I want to nominate you for the Liebster Award and hope you will accept it.
Oops, I forgot to include the link to find out more about the Liebster award. http://www.cookwithashoe.com/general/nominated-for-the-liebster-award/
Charissa, I will gladly accept and I am honored by your confidence in me…thanks so much! And yes, it’s good to keep in mind the value of today’s choices.