Today I’m talking about one of my absolutely, positively most favorite things…shoes, colorful shoes! I was on the Aldo Shoes site yesterday and discovered some fabulous deals. I love colorful shoes because they easily add pop and visual interest to any outfit. I went through the site and picked out […]
Hi all! I am thrilled to be a new co-host for the Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop with Katherine from Katherine’s Corner and the other gorgeous gals. I love the idea of taking a little time each week to think about my favorite things. The more we focus our attention on […]
Our electricity was out all afternoon on Monday, which forced me to do something besides work on my computer. So, I chose to do something I have been “meaning” to do for quite a while. I pulled out every piece of costume jewelry I had; cleaned it and then reorganized […]
The color red is one of my favorite things; especially when I Go Red For Women. Go Red For Women Of course, we all recognize red as the color of love, but this February, organizations are joining together to draw attention to women’s heart disease and stroke. For the month of […]
I am a true child of the 80’s and nothing quite defines this decade more than it’s music. So, it’s not surprising that I loved Lionel Richie’s Grammy tribute a few days ago. This week’s favorite thing is Demi Lovato’s tribute to Lionel Richie. Demi Lovato’s Tribute To Lionel Richie […]
When I think about my favorite things, cheesy goodness tops the list! Cheesy Goodness Roundup Cheese has to be the king of comfort foods…at least for me! That’s saying a lot for me considering I am also an ambassador for all things chocolate. I guess I would make the perfect […]
The first week of March means Spring is on it’s way. That means it’s just about time to throw off those winter duds and get back into some lighter clothes and colors. So, I’m talking about the Spring 2016 color trends. I’ve seen and heard a lot about serenity and […]
Colorful chucks are one of my favorite things. I’m really not much of a tennis shoe girl. Of course, I always have multiple pair to wear to the gym, but you typically wouldn’t see me walking around in a pair. However, I make one exception when it comes to tennis […]
There’s nothing to compare with nature’s beauty. Nature’s Beauty Last weekend I had the most delightful experience of staying at a hideaway B&B for a few days. It was so nice to get out of the bustle of the big city and breath some fresh air. I will be writing more about […]
This week’s favorite thing is my finished website redesign. Website Redesign Even though I don’t have an ocean at my disposal, I can almost feel the sand between my toes! It’s that ahhhhh moment when you finish a huge project and finally have a chance to breath. I don’t think […]
No pattern speaks more for the season than polka dots for Spring! Polka dots shout joy and I guess that’s what I think about this time of year. So, I decided to highlight polka dots as this week’s favorite thing. Last Spring I wore a cute polka dot midi skirt […]
The three quarter length v-neck tee is this week’s favorite thing. I talk a lot about classics and staple pieces on the blog. Without staple pieces, it is virtually impossible to mix and match your clothing items to form different looks. Without question, the three quarter length v-neck tee ranks […]