You’ve tried it all, yet here you are again asking the same question, “Why can’t I control my weight?”
There’s a way for you…even though past experiences and failures with food would say it’s hopeless.
There’s a way marked not by diets and deprevation, but by the renewing of your mind.
This way will be navigated with new insights about what you really believe about food and how those beliefs cause you to act the way you do with food.
Author Shellie Bowdoin leads you through a process that takes you from the inside out…uncovering hidden motivations, triggers and beliefs to expose them to the light of God’s awesome truth.
There’s a way marked not by diets and deprevation, but by the renewing of your mind.
This way will be navigated with new insights about what you really believe about food and how those beliefs cause you to act the way you do with food.
Author Shellie Bowdoin leads you through a process that takes you from the inside out…uncovering hidden motivations, triggers and beliefs to expose them to the light of God’s awesome truth.
This way acknowledges that your weight struggle is not some physical problem that you have to conquer on your own, but a spiritual problem that can only be solved when it’s lain bare before God.
This way is undergirded with God’s promises and new workable, doable habits that you can actually see yourself following for a lifetime.<
This way is empowered with the life-giving power of the Holy Spirit.
You can, maybe for the first time, embrace a whole new way of thinking about your food and your weight by embracing the freedom that Christ died to give.
You can find your weigh and walk in freedom.
"Does your weight and thoughts of food control your life?"
Have any of your self-help efforts to control your eating ever led to lasting, sustainable change?
Are you ready to consider that your weight and food issues are more than just physical problems you must tackle on your own?
Has the all-consuming “weight” of your weight struggle robbed you from living out the joy and freedom that Jesus secured, once and for all, on the cross?
Walk In Freedom is an engaging, immersive 9 – session Bible Study experience that leads participants from helplessness to hope as they replace faulty thinking and broken habits with renewed minds and informed workable habits.
Are you ready to consider that your weight and food issues are more than just physical problems you must tackle on your own?
Has the all-consuming “weight” of your weight struggle robbed you from living out the joy and freedom that Jesus secured, once and for all, on the cross?
Walk In Freedom is an engaging, immersive 9 – session Bible Study experience that leads participants from helplessness to hope as they replace faulty thinking and broken habits with renewed minds and informed workable habits.